In My Feelings
Hey Guys,
I hope your summer is off to a great start. I mentioned in my previous blog, that I will be sharing my thoughts on Candace Writes. I feel like I should write blogs in a journaling format, to keep me more consistent. I journal a lot, so I believe my words will flow better this way.
So Welcome Back to Becoming Her Episode 2: In My Feelings.
Let’s take it back to being consistent. So a few weeks ago, I wrote a blog about Godly Community, and I told myself I would share my thoughts and experiences weekly. Well, I have not been consistent because I have been in my feelings and I have also been exhausted. So today, I want to share what I do when I get in my feelings.
I have been in therapy long enough to know when I am not feeling myself. I also do what I need to do to get back to my happy place, but lately, let me tell you, I have been off. A few months ago, in a therapy session, I told my therapist that I felt sad, but I didn’t know why. My therapist gives me an exercise to write things down when I felt unhappy, so I will know what's triggering the emotions.

In my next therapy session, I came back with a list of things that I noticed from my unhappy moments. Since then I have been doing this exercise on my own in my journal. This list helped me to be more mindful. From this list, I noticed things that I needed to cut to make sure that I am always the healthiest version of myself.
Being fully transparent, I’ll share some of the things that were on my very first unhappy list that caused unhappy moments for me, as well as strategies, that I use to make things work for me.
Finances - Being a young professional, I worry about my finances a lot. My goal is to live a life where I have enough to live and give, but, at 24, I am not there, yet. I am still grinding. Finances were the number one thing on my list a few months ago. Many people say money doesn’t equate to happiness, but for basic needs to be met, someone needs to be running me a check.
My Future - My future was a vast area that stressed me out. I could break this down into many aspects, but I will share a few. I believe that I am responsible for all of my goals, including my family goals. I often worry about my future family or if I will even have one. I would see my closest friends start their family or jump the broom, and I would get in my feelings and become worried about when will it be my turn. I was comparing myself to other people’s happy moments a lot. I wish I can say that I have a fix for this, but I still struggle in this area.
So the next time you find yourself “In Your Feelings,” I would encourage you to do these two exercises.
Exercise 1: Write down what causes your unhappy emotions. Exercise 2: Write down all of the things that make you happy. These two exercises help you to be more mindful. So, now when those unhappy moments start to rise instead of crying. You may want to dance it out. You may want to write it out. You may want to do whatever makes you happy, in the healthiest manner! Lean on Psalms 37:4 and trust God to fulfill your heart's desires.
"Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires." Psalms 37:4 NLT